State & Local Taxes
Sales with exemptions: 8%
Most industrial purchases are exempt from all except 1% for a special education tax
Inventory Taxes
Industrial and logistic inventories are exempt
5.75% corporate tax
Property with abatements
38.501 for 2020 tax year
Total Property Tax: 42.233 mills in rural areas and most municipalities in the county for 2023 tax year. It includes levies from the county, school board, hospital authority and LCDA. While authorized by the state, property taxes are handled by the county.
Liberty County offers graduated property tax relief for many industries that locate here, depending on the investment, number of jobs, and wage rates. Abatements are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Corporate Income
Georgia Corporate Income Tax: 5.39%. There is no local corporate income tax.
More Corporate Tax Info Here
Sales & Use
Sales & Use Tax:
- 4% levied by the state
- 1% local option levied by the county commission
- 1% special purpose local option approved by local referendum
- 1% education purpose approved by local referendum, and
- 1% transportation purpose approved by local referendum
- 8% total
There are also many categories of industrial purchases, such as for equipment essential for manufacturing, logistics, and e-commerce that is exempt from sales tax. And there are specific carve outs, such as for energy, that exempt industry from all sales tax.
Franchise Tax or Net Worth Tax: Corporations in Georgia may have to pay a net worth tax. This tax is based on the net worth of a corporation, levied in exchange for the privilege of doing business or exercising a corporate franchise in the state. For net worth years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 (those reported on the 2017 income tax return), corporations with a net worth of $100,000 or less are not subject to tax but must file a return. The maximum is $5,000 for a net worth in excess of $22 million. All corporations doing business in Georgia for the first time must file an initial net worth return on or before the fifteenth day of the third calendar month after incorporation or qualification in the state.
More About Net Worth Taxes
Inventory Tax: We are also pleased that Liberty County exempts 100% of inventory taxes in all four categories of manufacturing and distribution inventory, including fulfillment centers, as defined by the state of Georgia:
- Inventory of goods in the process of being manufactured or produced including raw materials and partly finished goods
- Inventory of finished goods manufactured or produced within this State held by the manufacturer or producer for a period not to exceed 12 months
- Inventory of finished goods on January 1 that are stored in a warehouse, dock, or wharf which are destined for shipment outside this State for a period not to exceed 12 months, and
- Stock in trade of a fulfillment center which on January 1 are stored in the fulfillment center
Application for freeport exemption should be made with the Board of Tax Assessor’s within the same time period that returns are due in the county. Applications filed after that time can receive a partial exemption for that year up to June 1.
More About Inventory Tax Exemptions
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Insurance: New or newly covered employers are assigned a total tax rate of 2.70 percent until such time as they are eligible for a rate calculation based on their experience rating history.
More Info on Unemployment Insurance Here
Worker's Compensation
Worker’s Compensation: Workers Compensation rates are filed by class and job description. Then the rate per $100 is multiplied by your payroll and is subject to a minimum premium for the policy.
For example:
Step 1: Choose the type of business you are in: for example, Class 0005 (Farm Nursery Employers)
Step 2: Take your annual payroll and divide it by 100: example ($200,000/100)
Step 3: Choose a company and get their rate: (Example, Company X, Rate = 2.58)
Step 4: Calculate your annual premium: ($200,000/100) * 2.58 = $5,160.00.
More On Workers Compensation Here
Call Georgia Worker’s Compensation Board at 404-656-4893
Address: 270 Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30303-1299
Personal Income
Personal Income Tax: 5.39%
More Info About Income Tax Here
Business Climate Menu
Liberty County
Development Authority
425 W. Oglethorpe Highway,
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: 912-368-3356
Fax: 912-977-4431