
A typical project may require these permits:
√ File Notice of Intent at least 14 days prior to disturbance. After 14 days, work can proceed (with approved Liberty County permit)
√ If disturbing more than 50 acres at one time, will need to request permission in advance.
√ Required Data:
- Notice of Intent
- Erosion, Sedimentation & Pollution Control Plan
√ Permitting Time – Typically 60-90 days, depending on size and complexity
√ Required Data:
- Site Development Plans
- Topographic Survey
- Erosion, Sedimentation & Pollution Control Plan
- Site Grading & Paving Plan
- Storm Drainage Plan
- Water & Sanitary Sewer Plan
- Storm Drainage Design Calculations
- Water & Sewer Design Calculations
√ Permitting Time – Typically 1 to 2 weeks.
√ Required Data:
- Building Plans
- Site Plan
- Front & Side Elevations
- Floor Plan
- Cut Section of Exterior Walls
- Certificate of Elevation
Depending on the type of facility, there may be additional permits required for construction and/or facility operation, i.e. sanitary sewer pretreatment permits, air quality permits and industrial storm water permits.
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Liberty County
Development Authority
425 W. Oglethorpe Highway,
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: 912-368-3356
Fax: 912-977-4431