Nearby Ports

Georgia Ports Authority
- Corp. HQ: 2 Main St., Garden City, GA 31408
- Ph. 912-963-5526 / 964-3811 / 800-342-8012
Garden City Terminal
- 32 miles (30 minutes)
- Largest single-terminal container facility in North America
- 1,200 acres for cargo handling and storage
- Mega Mason Rail intermodal terminal serving Norfolk Southern and CXS railorads
- Channel deepening to accommodate Neo-Panamax ships
Ocean Terminal
- 31 miles (30 minutes)
- 55 North Lathrop Ave., Savannah, GA 31415
- Breakbulk and roll-on/roll-off facility
- 200 acres with 1.4M SF covered storage
- 51 miles (45 minutes)
- 100 Gloucester St., Brunswick, GA 31520
- Three terminals
- Two at Colonel’s Island for roll-on/roll-off automobiles and heavy equipment, and for bulk import/export of agriculture products
- One at Mayor’s Point for breakbulk and bulk commodities, primarily forest products

- Jacksonville, FL
- 107 miles (1 hour, 30 minutes)
- Corp. HQ: 2831 Talleyrand Ave. 32206
- Ph. 904-357-3000 / 800-874-8050
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Liberty County
Development Authority
425 W. Oglethorpe Highway,
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: 912-368-3356
Fax: 912-977-4431