10,000 spouses typically follow soldiers
95% are HS grads, 33% have some college
Many are looking for work
15,000 – 20,000 serve at Fort Stewart
Army helps them transition to civilian life
USO Pathways helps them find jobs

Heroes for Hire
Ready to assemble a manufacturing/distribution team of the highest caliber? Then we’re ready to snap to here in Liberty County, home of Fort Stewart, the largest Army installation east of the Mississippi River, where:
- Every month more than 300 retiring or separating servicemen and servicewomen become Heroes for Hire, ready to power up your work environment with mission-critical focus and skills.
Home of the historic 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart is the Army’s Premiere Power Projection Platform on the East Coast; the mission here requires cutting-edge training that produces tech-savvy soldiers who are agile thinkers and problem-solvers. Heroes for Hire add to your operational effectiveness with:
- An aptitude for cross training
- A dedication to reliability, accountability, responsibility
- Disciplined and skilled teamwork
- Strong leadership and work ethic
Comprehensive support provided by the USO Fort Stewart Pathfinder program assures smooth integration so that Liberty’s Heroes for Hire transition easily into civilian life. And they move eagerly into the workplace, embracing every challenge, whether they are younger soldiers or retirees ready to launch second careers. It’s career counselors often work with area companies to find transitioning soldiers in jobs.
Soldier for Life — Transition Assistance Program focuses on the civilian job market and teaching servicemembers how to fit into it. It’s website includes a job posting area. For more information go to SFL-TAP.
Military spouses comprise another critical workforce resource:
- More than 10,000 who live in or adjacent to Liberty County
- Approximately one-third have some post-secondary education, and many keep skills sharp through DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program.
Liberty Advantages Menu

Liberty County
Development Authority
425 W. Oglethorpe Highway,
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: 912-368-3356
Fax: 912-977-4431