Outreach aims to boost awareness of technical careers
FEBRUARY 12, 2014: RICEBORO — Liberty County students on Tuesday explored technical career opportunities during an outreach event made possible by the Liberty County Manufacturing Collaboration.
The Liberty College and Career Academy worked in conjunction with Firth Rixson Forgings, LLC, Interstate Paper, SNF Holding Company, Savannah Technical College and the Liberty County Development Authority to provide 25 high-school students an insider’s view of local manufacturing operations.
“The objective is to generate interest among the students for the Liberty College and Career Academy’s Certified Manufacturing Specialist pathway,” said Liberty College and Career Academy CEO Tom Alexander. “We want to highlight manufacturing career opportunities within Liberty County and provide students a technical foundation that can carry them through courses at Savannah Technical College and, ultimately, into rewarding careers near home.”
Bradwell Institute and Liberty County High School students who demonstrated interest in the Certified Manufacturing Specialist pathway were selected to participate, Alexander said.
Students toured SNF and Interstate Paper campuses in Riceboro in addition to seeing presentations by Firth Rixson Forgings LLC. Collectively, the companies employ 1,700. Career opportunities include welding, machine operating, forging, and chemical packaging.
“It was refreshing to see the students engage the manufacturers by asking how they could gain employment at these local industries,” said LCDA Director of Business Development Jessica Hood. “Company representatives shared their personal experiences and explained that many entry-level employees have cultivated their skills and enjoyed advancement within their organizations.”
About the Liberty County Manufacturing Collaboration:
The Liberty County Manufacturing Collaboration is a consortium of Liberty County industries working to raise awareness among the education and Army communities for technical career opportunities. Participating employers include Elan Technology, Firth Rixson Forgings, LLC, Interstate Paper and SNF Inc. They formed in summer 2013 and meet monthly with representatives from Savannah Technical College and the Liberty County Development Authority.