New Military Zone designated in Liberty County

by | Nov 16, 2012

Businesses that create jobs earn tax credits

Hinesville – The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has designated Census Tract 101 in Liberty County as a Military Zone. Census Tract 101 includes MidCoast Regional Airport at Wright Army Airfield.

The designation will provide the greatest benefits available under law and regulation for the Job Tax Credit Program. These benefits include a tax credit of $3,500 per job for five years as long as the jobs are maintained and use of the credit against 100 percent or corporate income tax liability, with any excess credit then available to utilize against withholding.

“We are very pleased DCA has designated Census Tract 101 as a Military Zone,” states Allen Brown, chairman of the Liberty County Development Authority. “The Military Zone designation will be a valuable tool we can use to help recruit industry to the proposed development park at MidCoast Regional Airport at Wright Army Airfield as we try to add new jobs to the local economy.”


Liberty County Development Authority

425 W. Oglethorpe Highway,
Hinesville, GA 31313

Tel:  912-368-3356
Fax:  912-368-5585